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UC-CIDE featured Dr Susana in their Podcast....
Dr Susana in the UCIDE podcast discussed about her career pathway from engineering to chemistry and her experience with EDI in academia,...

Thilina won Best Presenter Award!!!
Thilina presented her poster in sci-mix poster session and get acknowledged for her talk as a best student presenter in Disinfection...

Winner of Chili Competition
Kimura-hara group won the hottest chili and best veg chili award in Chili competition.

Christmas Lunch!!
Christmas celebration with fun game to distribute the gifts

Farewell to Fahim..
Fahim successfully completed his Masters

Farewell to Andrea
Andrea completed her undergrad research project in Oct-2022.

Kimura-Hara Group In CCCE 2022
Kimura-Hara group participated in CCCE-2022 where they presented their research work. Jeas got an honorarium for his poster presentation...

On-demand Seminar: Novel Analytical Method for Disinfection By-Products in Recycled Wastewaters
February 23, 2021. Dr. Kimura-Hara recently presented a novel analytical method for trace-level quantification of disinfection...

Dr. Kimura-Hara was a Speaker at the ASHT Annual General Meeting
March 7, 2020 Dr. Kimura-Hara was an invited speaker at the Alberta Society for Human Toxicology Annual General meeting in Canmore, AB....
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