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Thilina won Best Presenter Award!!!
Thilina presented her poster in sci-mix poster session and get acknowledged for her talk as a best student presenter in Disinfection...

Kimura-Hara Group In CCCE 2022
Kimura-Hara group participated in CCCE-2022 where they presented their research work. Jeas got an honorarium for his poster presentation...

Dr. Kimura-Hara was a Speaker at the ASHT Annual General Meeting
March 7, 2020 Dr. Kimura-Hara was an invited speaker at the Alberta Society for Human Toxicology Annual General meeting in Canmore, AB....

Dr. Kimura-Hara Named New Canada Research Chair
Congratulations to Dr. Kimura-Hara, recently announced as a new Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Analytical and Aquatic Chemistry. Tier 2...

Group Attends Gordon Research Seminar and Conference
August 6, 2019 Last week the group traveled to Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, MA, USA to attend the Gordon Research Seminar and...

Dr. Kimura-Hara and Alejandro Present Research at ASMS Conference
June 2-6, 2019 Last week Dr. Kimura-Hara and Alejandro traveled to Atlanta, GA to present at the 67th ASMS Conference on Mass...

Group Visits ACWA at the Pine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant
April 22, 2019 This morning the research group paid a visit to the water research facilities at Advancing Canadian Wastewater Assets...

Glenmore Water Treatment Plant and Lab Tour
April 4, 2019 Members of the Kimura-Hara group as well as graduate students who are enrolled in Dr. Kimura-Hara's water chemistry course...

Group Receives Lab Infrastructure Support from the CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund
March 4, 2019 Exciting funding announcement! The Kimura-Hara lab has received support from the CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) that...

Susana and Jill Attend Water Treatability Workshop at the University of Waterloo
February 25, 2019 Last week Susana and Jill traveled to Waterloo, ON to take part in a workshop on drinking water treatability as part of...

Susan Richardson & Hannah Liberatore Visit Our Lab!
December 1, 2018 After the Lake Louise Conference in Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Susan and Hannah stopped by to visit our lab.

Chad Visits BioLargo Water in Edmonton
October 11-12, 2018 Chad made a trip to Edmonton last week as part of a research collaboration with BioLargo Water. He spent time at...

Jill Attends forWater HQP Week in the Crowsnest Pass
August 13-17, 2018 Jill spent last week in the Crowsnest Pass area of Southern Alberta taking part in a training week for students and...

Welcome Professor Janjaroen!
July 26, 2018 This week the Kimura-Hara group welcomed visiting professor Dr. Dao Suwansang Janjaroen from the Department of...

Dr. Kimura-Hara Presents at the 66th ASMS Conference
June 3-7, 2018 Last week Dr. Kimura-Hara traveled to San Diego, CA to give an oral presentation at the 66th American Society of Mass...

Alejandro Headed to Atlanta, GA for Instrument Training
June 5-8, 2018 In June, Alejandro spent several days in Atlanta, Georgia attending a supplemental training course for his Agilent 7890...

Dr. Kimura-Hara Invited to Speak at the 101st CSC in Edmonton
May 27-31, 2018 Last week Dr. Kimura-Hara was in Edmonton, AB for the 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, where she was...

Dr. Kimura-Hara Joins forWater NSERC Network
May 2018 Dr. Kimura-Hara has been added as a co-applicant to an exciting multidisciplinary NSERC Strategic Network called forWater: NSERC...

Dr. Kimura-Hara Awarded NSERC Grants
April 2018 Continuing the recent series of funding announcements, Dr. Kimura-Hara has been awarded a Discovery Grant and a Research Tools...

Dr. Kimura-Hara Receives UofC Grants
March 2018 Funding alert! Dr. Kimura-Hara has been named a recipient of the University of Calgary Research Grant Committee Seed Grants...
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