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31. Chad Verwold, Chris Tremblay, Mariam Patron, Susana Y. Kimura*, “Total organic halogen (TOX) in treated wastewaters: an optimized method and comparison with target analysis”, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2023, 9, 2569-2580. 

30. Thilina K. Jayawardana, Md Fahim Hossain, Dhurvin Patel, Susana Y. Kimura*, “Haloacetonitrile stability in cell culture conditions used in in vitro toxicological studies”, Chemosphere, 2023, 313, 137568. DOI-  (For Accepted Manuscript Click here
29. Jillian N. Murakami, Xu Zhang, Joanne Ye, Amy MacDonald, Jorge Pérez Pérez, David W. Kinniburgh, Susana Y. Kimura*, “Formation Potential and Analysis of 32 Regulated and Unregulated Disinfection By-Products: Two New Simplified Methods”, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2022, 117, 209-221. DOI- (For Accepted Manuscript  Click here)
28. Cristina Postigo, Josh M. Allen, Amy A. Cuthbertson, Maria Farre, Susana Y. Kimura, 2022. Disinfection Byproducts in Water, in: Fontanals N, Marce R M (Eds.), in Analytical Methods for Environmental Contaminants of Emerging Concern. (Book Chapter) Wiley: USA. DOI-

27.  Fengchan Han, Guanghua Chen, Gonghua Tao, Jingshan Xu, Huijun Zhang, Ling Zhang, Hongliang Lie, Yijing Zhao, Dajun Tian, Susana Y. Kimura, Xiao Wei, Yuanyuan Ruani, Chunfeng Wu, Shuo Xiao, Ming Zhan, Weiwei Zheng, “Thyroid-disrupting effects caused by exposure to alternative flame retardants from groundwater contamination in rural central China”, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 839, 156300. DOI-

26.  Sunantha Ganesan, Thanaporn Ruendee, Susana Y Kimura, Chamorn Chawengkijwanich, Dao Janjaroen*, “Effect of biofilm formation on different types of plastic shopping bags: Structural and physicochemical properties”, Environmental Research, 2022, 206, 112542. DOI-
25. Chad Verwold, Alejandro Ortega-Hernandez, Jillian Murakami, Laura Patterson-Fortin, Jenny Boutros, Richard Smith, Susana Y. Kimura*, “New Iodine-based Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation System for Water Disinfection: Are Disinfection By-products a Concern?”, Water Research, 2021, 201, 117340. DOI- 
(For Accepted Manuscript Click here)
24. Alejandro Ortega-Hernandez, Raphael Acayaba, Chad Verwold, Cassiana Carolina Montagner, Susana Y. Kimura*, “Emerging investigator series: Emerging disinfection by-product quantification method for wastewater reuse: trace level assessment using tandem mass spectrometry”, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2021, 7, 285-297. DOI- (For Accepted Manuscript Click here)
23.  Fen Hu, Jianping Yang, Ping Li, Wei Qiu, Xinyun Hou, Xiao Wei, Haiyin Wang, Alexandra E Kauffman, Shuo Xiao, Zhiwei Liao, Susana Y Kimura, Weiwei Zheng*, Jianhai Lin, Surong Zhu, “Is direct-drinking water safe for children? An analysis of direct-drinking water quality and its risk factors in Shanghai elementary and middle schools”, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2021, 231, 113650. DOI-
22. Susan D. Richardson* and Susana Y. Kimura, “Water Analysis: Emerging Contaminants and Current Issues”, Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92, 1, 473-505. DOI-
21. Yewen Shi, Wuren Ma, Fengchan Han, Yan Geng, Xia Yu, Haiyin Wang, Susana Y. Kimura, Xiao Wei, Alexandra Kauffman, Shuo Xiao, Weiwei Zheng, Xiaodon Jia*, Weiwei Zheng*, “Precise exposure assessment revealed the cancer risk and disease burden caused by trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids in Shanghai indoor swimming pool water” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 388, 131810. DOI-
20. Fengchan Han, YUDONG GAO, Fen Hu, Xia Yu, Huijian Xie, Hongliang Li, Yijing Zhao, Susana Y. Kimura, Yubin Zhang, Maria E. Zubizarreta, Shuo Xiao, Ming Zhan, Weiwei Zheng*, “Solid-phase extraction of seventeen alternative flame retardants in water as determined by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry”, Journal of Chromatography A, 2019, 1602, 64-73. DOI-
19. Susana Y. Kimura* and Alejandro Ortega-Hernandez, “Formation mechanisms of disinfection byproducts: recent developments”, Current Opinions in Environmental Science & Health, 2019, 7, 61-68. DOI-
18. Chuhui Zhang, J. Clark Maness, Amy A. Cuthbertson, Susana Y. Kimura, Hannah K. Liberatore, Susan D. Richardson, Benjamin D. Stanford, Mei Sun, and Detlef R. U. Knappe*, “Treating Water Containing Elevated Bromide and Iodide Levels with Granular Activated Carbon and Free Chlorine: Impacts on Disinfection Byproduct Formation and Calculated Toxicity”, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 2020, 6, 3460-3475. DOI-
17.  Edgard M. Verdugo, Mac Gifford, Caitlin Glover, Amy A Cuthbertson, Rebecca Trenholm, Susana Y Kimura, Hannah K Liberatore, Susan D Richardson, Benjamin D Stanford, R Scott Summers, Eric RV Dickenson* “Controlling disinfection byproducts from treated wastewater using adsorption with granular activated carbon: Impact of pre-ozonation and pre-chlorination”, 2020, Water Research X, 9, 100068. DOI-
16. Amy A. Cuthbertson, Hannah K. Liberatore, Susana Y. Kimura, Josh Allen, ALENA V. BENSUSSAN and Susan D. Richardson*, “Trace analysis of 61 emerging Br-, Cl-, and I-DBPs: New methods to achieve part-per-trillion quantification in drinking water”, 2020, Analytical Chemistry 92 (4), 3058-3068. DOI-
15.  Amy A. Cuthbertson, Susana Y. Kimura, Hannah K. Liberatore, Detlef R. U. Knappe, Benjamin Stanford, R. Scott Summers, Eric R. Dickenson, Clark Maness, Caitlin Glover, Meric Selbes, and Susan D. Richardson*, “GAC to BAC: Does It Make Chloraminated Drinking Water Safer?”, 2020, Water Research, 172, 115432. DOI-
14. Amy Cuthbertson, Susana Y. Kimura, Hannah Liberatore, Scott Summers, Detlef Knappe, Benjamin Stanford, Clark Maneess, Riley Mulhern, Meric Selbes, Susan D. Richardson*, “Does GAC with Chlorination Produce Safer Drinking Water?  Evaluation of 70 DBPs, Total Organic Halogen, and Calculated Toxicity Across GAC Lifetime at Three Full-Scale Drinking Water Plants”, Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53, 10, 5987-5999. DOI-
13. Shahid Parvez*, Jeffrey L. Ashby, Susana Y. Kimura, Susan D. Richardson, “Exposure characterization of haloacetic acids in humans for exposure and risk assessment applications: an exploratory study”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(3), 471. DOI-
12. Susana Y. Kimura, Amy A. Cuthberston, Jonathan D. Byer, Susan D. Richardson*, “The DBP Exposome:  Development of a New Method to Simultaneously Quantify Priority Disinfection By-Products and Comprehensively Identify Unknowns”, Water Research, 2019, 148(1), 324-333. DOI-
11. Trang Nha Vu, Susana Y. Kimura, Susan D. Richardson, Michael J Plewa, Benito Mariñas*, “Predominant N-haloacetamide and haloacetonitrile formation in drinking water via the aldehyde reaction pathway”, Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53 (2),  850–859. DOI-
10. Cristina Postigo*, David M. DeMarini, Mikayla D. Armstrong, Hannah K. Liberatore, Karsten Lamann, Susana Y. Kimura, Amy A. Cuthbertson, Sarah H. Warren, Susan D. Richardson, Tony McDonald, Yusupha Sey, Nana Osei B. Ackerson, Stephen E. Duirk, Jane Ellen Simmons, “Chlorination of Source Water Containing Iodinated X-Ray Contrast Media:  Mutagenicity and Identification of New Iodinated Disinfection By-products”, Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52 (22), 13047–13056. DOI-
9.    Joshua M. Allen, Amy A. Cuthbertson, Hannah K. Liberatore, Susana Y. Kimura, Anurag Mantha, Marc A. Edwards, Susan D. Richardson*, “Showering in Flint, MI: Is there a DBP problem?”, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2017, (58) 271-284. DOI-
8.    Susana Y. Kimura, Weiwei Zheng, TAYLOR N. HIPP, Joshua M. Allen, and Susan D. Richardson*, “Total organic halogen (TOX) in human urine: a halogen-specific method for human exposure studies”, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2017, (58) 285-295. DOI-
7.    Susan D. Richardson* and Susana Y. Kimura, “Emerging environmental contaminants:  Challenges facing our next generation”, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 2017 (8) 40-56. DOI-
6.   Jinyong Liu, Dimao Wu, Xiaoge Su, Mengwei Han, Susana Y. Kimura, Danielle Gray, John Shapley, Mahdi M. Abu-Omar, Charles Werth, Timothy Strathmann*, " Configuration Control in the Synthesis of Homo- and Heteroleptic Bis-(oxazolinylphenolato/thiazolinylphenolato) Chelate Ligand Complexes of Oxorhenium (V), Isomer Effect on Ancillary Ligand Exchange Dynamics and Implications for Perchlorate Reduction Catalysis", Inorganic Chemistry, 2016, 55 (5), 2597–2611. DOI-
5.  Susan D. Richardson* and Susana Y. Kimura, “Water Analysis: Emerging Contaminants and Current Issues”, Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88 (1), 546–582. DOI-
4.  Susana Y. Kimura, Trang Nha Vu, Yukako Komaki, Michael J. Plewa, Benito J. Mariñas*, “Acetonitrile and N-Chloroacetamide formation from the reaction of acetaldehyde and monochloramine”, Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49 (16), 9954–9963. DOI-
3.   Clara Jeong, Cristina Postigo, Susan D. Richardson, Jane Ellen Simmons, Susana Y. Kimura, Benito J. Marinas, Damia Barcelo, Pei Liang, Elizabeth D. Wagner, Michael J. Plewa*, "The Occurrence and Comparative Toxicity of Haloacetaldehyde Disinfection Byproducts in Drinking Water", Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49 (23), 13749–13759. DOI-
2.    Yang Yang‡, Yukako Komaki‡, Susana Y. Kimura‡, Hu Hongying, Elizabeth D. Wagner, Benito J. Mariñas, Michael J. Plewa*, “Toxic Impact of Br− and I− on Drinking Water Disinfected with Chlorine or Chloramines”, Environmental Science & Technology, 2014, 48 (20), pp 12362– 12369. ‡ denotes equal contribution. DOI-
1.    Susana Y. Kimura, Yukako Komaki, Michael J. Plewa, Benito J. Mariñas*, “Chloroacetonitrile   and N,2-Dichloroacetamide Formation from the Reaction of Chloroacetaldehyde and Monochloramine in Water” Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47 (21), pp 12382–12390. DOI-

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