The Kimura-Hara Lab multidisciplinary research integrates analytical chemistry, toxicology, engineering, and water chemistry to address the growing concern of water safety and sustainability for future generations.
Dr. Kimura-Hara is interested in the identification and formation mechanisms of unregulated disinfection by-products using advanced mass spectrometry instrumentation and techniques. Her research is focused on the formation and toxicity of emerging disinfection by-products and contaminants of concern derived from oxidation and membrane-based technologies developed to remove contaminants from municipal wastewater effluents.

Dr. Kimura-Hara is affiliated with ACWA (Advancing Canadian Wastewater Assets), an alliance between The City of Calgary and the University of Calgary.
ACWA contains a full-scale experimental wastewater research facility that feeds twelve constructed, replicate, naturalized experimental research streams for ecological assessments, and analytical laboratories for biological and chemical measurement.